Quality Policy & Vision
Our quality policy is;
- to protect the interests of the business community that we represent, while keeping public interest in the forefront;
- to ensure the opening of the private sector to competition in internal and external markets, within the framework of free market economy;
- to direct the private sector toward export-based production, along a policy of sustainable industrialization, catching up with up-to-date technology;
- to ensure staff trainining and motivation to keep service quality at a high level and provide for service in compliance with the Quality Management System;
- to enhance customer and staff satisfaction; and
- to ensure the observance of the requirements of the Quality Management System and continuous improvement thereof.
The quality of services presented, reliability and customer pleasure has seen a key of permanent success. That is why they adopt a permanent principle of quality.
The aim of the policy is uppermost customer satisfaction , efficient participation, the lowest cost, being on time for the demands and exceptions, must be filled definitive.
We overview our aims for quality, for permanent development and improvement.
Customer demands and complaints by testing and assessing the conditions and will be handled confidentially, and continual service will be provided.
Our quality policy is also to provide training in the company towards understanding quality targets and standards.
We are proud to announce that our policy with quality management system is under GUARANTEE.
Managing Director