Broadcast Products - Rigid Line Components
RFS produces a range of 50 ohm rigid line components. Items for both unpressurized (indoor) systems and pressurized, flanged (outdoor) systems are available in 7/8", 1 5/8", 3 1/8", 4 1/2", 4 7/8" and 6 1/8" sizes. All components are manufactured to the most exacting tolerances. Features include:
- High Conductivity Copper Lines: Line inner and outer tubing is of high conductivity, hard-drawn, copper, milled to exact dimensions. Unflanged components for indoor use are polished and sprayed with a clear lacquer to maintain a high luster finish
- Welded Construction: Flanges and mitered elbow joints are TIG welded for maximum strength
- Low Loss PTFE Dielectric: Captive PTFE dielectric insulators are used exclusively in lines and elbows to ensure precision mating and stability of components after assembly
- Silver Plated Contacts: All inner conductor connectors are silver plated
- Standard Sizes: All components conform to the relevant EIA or IEC standards