Microwave Antenna Systems - FLEXWELL® Elliptical Waveguide
Radio Frequency Systems is the originator and designer of continuous seam welded corrugated transmission lines. FLEXWELL® is RFS’s brand name for the highest quality, best performing, and most reliable elliptical waveguide in the industry. FLEXWELL® designs are constantly proven successful in thousands of installations throughout the world. FLEXWELL® elliptical waveguide is the ideal choice for microwave antenna systems and offers quality and reliability that you can depend on.
FLEXWELL® waveguides are available in a wide selection of frequency bands throughout the 3 GHz to 40 GHz microwave bands. The waveguides are equivalent in sizes to rectangular waveguide R32 (WR284) through R320 (WR28).
Three versions of FLEXWELL® elliptical waveguide are offered: FLEXWELL® "Standard" waveguide, low VSWR "Premium" waveguide and "Overmoded waveguide". Standard and premium waveguide differ only in testing and guaranteed attainable VSWR. FLEXWELL® "standard" waveguide is recommended for low and medium capacity radio relay systems, while FLEXWELL® "premium" elliptical waveguide assemblies are recommended for high capacity radio systems. Overmoded waveguides offer exceptionally low attenuation characteristics compared with conventional waveguides. The waveguide operates above the cut-off frequency of higher order modes utilizing the lowest attenuation characteristics of the waveguide. Connectors for overmoded waveguide include filters which eliminate distortion due to mode conversion.
FLEXWELL® elliptical waveguide is constructed of pure electrolytic copper strip which uses a special RFS process to butt weld, corrugate and form into an approximate elliptical shape. The copper waveguide is covered with a black polyethylene jacket for protection during transport and installation.